XMchorale is forever loved <3
took a LONG time to upload these photos.
so before i say anything, just sit back, relax and enjoy the photos! (the standard line. LOL)
Minghui receiving the plaque and the certificate of GOOD-NATURED award!

Jamie with the plaque and BUBBLY award!
p.s i thought i didn't look nice in any of those photos took when i receive the prizes, so haha, u don't get to see me here =X

JAMIE! we got milk bottles! hahah (:

Me and my junior, the Debator - Angeline! (:

Me and Wan Ting!

one of my closer junior, elizabeth! ((:

FANG FANG! lol, k-box! ;D

Madelene! yea, Altos rocks! xD

Unique! hahhas, i still remember we always play the 'knock-knock game' [:

Me and Jun Heng, dumb dumb! =x

Brandon, Sherman, Jun Heng, Wan Ting, Denise. LOL(:

STUART! haha, he still sings '这个世界唯一的你' when he sees me, and even when this photo was taken -.-

Stuart with Minghui! xD

Denise, Sherman, Leonard, Stuart.
Apparently Brandon, the one the camera did not bother to focus on =x

LOL, this is much better.
Sherman, Leonard and Stuart (:

the bully (obviously Mr Royson Lee) and the bullied (obviously me).

it's alright, forgive but i didn't forget!
RAHHS noob! (:
Sherman and Ming Hui!

Sherman took my cam and took a very very zi lian photo.
MingHui and MEE! xD

Royson and Minghui! (:
i better stop E-L-I...... when i see him. lol =x

Gavin and Ming Hui! =D
Elizabeth, Me, Denise, WanLing, YapNing, Phoebe! ((:
Weihui and me! :DDD

Me, with Jia Lin!! =)

Minghui and Jamie!
yea ALTOS ONES! [:
Samuel and Minghui.
the current President and the ex-President (x

hahhas so cute lah, i told him to act the role he played during assembly that day
like 自闭 lidat, and he really act... HAHHA! CUTE!((:
WanTing, MingHui, Jamie, PeiYu, ME!

Jamie, Samuel, Me, Peiyu :)

LOL, the female seniors! (:

with Marcus! (:

MingHui and Marcus!

yea that's what i got. VIRTUOUS award -.-
Ms Quek: She'll make a good wife.
Me: -.- i sense sarcasm. (thinks) no wonder i got 12 laogongs!
i love the plaque! with the note on it.
cool. (:
the MILK BOTTLE! ahhh so cute!
hehhes =D
there's still loads of photos my juniors haven't send me yet.
so, more to come! and they're all BIG groups.
like, whole choir, whole sec4s... (:
oh btw, had PIZZAS and CHICKEN WINGS in choir room!
whahhas but i only ate a slice of the pizza.
sore throat haven't recover. ):
and the Mamee noodles i asked Royson to feed me with made my sore throat worse!
just 1 mouthful (ok, not very full -.-) and the next thing i knew, my throat was hurting more!
so before i say anything, just sit back, relax and enjoy the photos! (the standard line. LOL)
Jamie with the plaque and BUBBLY award!
p.s i thought i didn't look nice in any of those photos took when i receive the prizes, so haha, u don't get to see me here =X
JAMIE! we got milk bottles! hahah (:
Me and my junior, the Debator - Angeline! (:
Me and Wan Ting!
one of my closer junior, elizabeth! ((:
FANG FANG! lol, k-box! ;D
Madelene! yea, Altos rocks! xD
Unique! hahhas, i still remember we always play the 'knock-knock game' [:
Me and Jun Heng, dumb dumb! =x
Brandon, Sherman, Jun Heng, Wan Ting, Denise. LOL(:
STUART! haha, he still sings '这个世界唯一的你' when he sees me, and even when this photo was taken -.-
Stuart with Minghui! xD
Denise, Sherman, Leonard, Stuart.
Apparently Brandon, the one the camera did not bother to focus on =x
LOL, this is much better.
Sherman, Leonard and Stuart (:
the bully (obviously Mr Royson Lee) and the bullied (obviously me).
it's alright, forgive but i didn't forget!
RAHHS noob! (:
Sherman took my cam and took a very very zi lian photo.
Royson and Minghui! (:
i better stop E-L-I...... when i see him. lol =x
Gavin and Ming Hui! =D
Me, with Jia Lin!! =)
Minghui and Jamie!
yea ALTOS ONES! [:
the current President and the ex-President (x
hahhas so cute lah, i told him to act the role he played during assembly that day
like 自闭 lidat, and he really act... HAHHA! CUTE!((:
Jamie, Samuel, Me, Peiyu :)
LOL, the female seniors! (:
with Marcus! (:
MingHui and Marcus!
yea that's what i got. VIRTUOUS award -.-
Ms Quek: She'll make a good wife.
Me: -.- i sense sarcasm. (thinks) no wonder i got 12 laogongs!
i love the plaque! with the note on it.
cool. (:
the MILK BOTTLE! ahhh so cute!
hehhes =D
there's still loads of photos my juniors haven't send me yet.
so, more to come! and they're all BIG groups.
like, whole choir, whole sec4s... (:
oh btw, had PIZZAS and CHICKEN WINGS in choir room!
whahhas but i only ate a slice of the pizza.
sore throat haven't recover. ):
and the Mamee noodles i asked Royson to feed me with made my sore throat worse!
just 1 mouthful (ok, not very full -.-) and the next thing i knew, my throat was hurting more!
however, the farewell didn't turned out to be good at the end.
sigh, i hope they won't get into anything serious.
sigh, i hope they won't get into anything serious.
if only the moment could stop, if only it had last longer....
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