nice wake up call. i stared at the entry proof, accidentally though.
pooof! one more day gone and i have 36days left to O's.
well, better late than never. i'm beginning to feel... the fear.
but i procrastinate, yet again and again.
did the emaths june paper 1 and jumped with joy when i finished it in like 1hr15mins!
including some blanks here and there... ohwell, at least i did something.
no mood to do chemistry TYS, so i caught an episode of 娱乐百分百 - 单飞比较红!
hehehs, that episode was funny, harry potter (in chinese) becomes 害你跌倒 (bua to)
and i searched for the 娱百拳 that 小猪 invented! hahah!
Mr Ng sent me felicia chin and tay ping hui photos! LOL...
shall not blog them, in case it's suppose to be copyrighted.
he thought i like tay ping hui, when i... LOL
that day i only ask him for the photos for fun lah.
gees, monopoly game with cousins was fun! :)
the first game was only between me and alvin... since the rest haven't come.
and he went really broke, left $10 and still owe me money?
the second one was joined in by wesley and ryan.
while i paired with wesley, the other two paired together as well.
lol, when playing with them any game, you don't cheat is your loss lah.
because they all were simply cheating! koping money from the banker as and when they can.
偶像! so near so near i couldn't help but 偷笑 (am chio u know?)
heheh! but someone was so extra, stood between us.
if not i could have snap a photo of my 偶像!!!!!!!
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.
刚刚写到这里 发生一件事 现在的我还在浑身发抖
妈的脚不知道怎样被门夹到 流了很多很多血
爸刚带她去看医生 那刹那 我真的被吓倒了
幸亏爸马上帮她包扎 没有惊慌失措
看到她吓得手脚都在发抖 自己唯一能做的 就是在一旁看
pooof! one more day gone and i have 36days left to O's.
well, better late than never. i'm beginning to feel... the fear.
but i procrastinate, yet again and again.
did the emaths june paper 1 and jumped with joy when i finished it in like 1hr15mins!
including some blanks here and there... ohwell, at least i did something.
no mood to do chemistry TYS, so i caught an episode of 娱乐百分百 - 单飞比较红!
hehehs, that episode was funny, harry potter (in chinese) becomes 害你跌倒 (bua to)
and i searched for the 娱百拳 that 小猪 invented! hahah!
Mr Ng sent me felicia chin and tay ping hui photos! LOL...
shall not blog them, in case it's suppose to be copyrighted.
he thought i like tay ping hui, when i... LOL
that day i only ask him for the photos for fun lah.
gees, monopoly game with cousins was fun! :)
the first game was only between me and alvin... since the rest haven't come.
and he went really broke, left $10 and still owe me money?
the second one was joined in by wesley and ryan.
while i paired with wesley, the other two paired together as well.
lol, when playing with them any game, you don't cheat is your loss lah.
because they all were simply cheating! koping money from the banker as and when they can.
偶像! so near so near i couldn't help but 偷笑 (am chio u know?)
heheh! but someone was so extra, stood between us.
if not i could have snap a photo of my 偶像!!!!!!!
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.
刚刚写到这里 发生一件事 现在的我还在浑身发抖
妈的脚不知道怎样被门夹到 流了很多很多血
爸刚带她去看医生 那刹那 我真的被吓倒了
幸亏爸马上帮她包扎 没有惊慌失措
看到她吓得手脚都在发抖 自己唯一能做的 就是在一旁看
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