yeps, more JJ photos... credits to that JM! (:
that person posted it on JJ's site :D
hmms, suddenly everything is like charging towards me at once.
so many things to do/go to!
白云岗 (the NY chinese drama)
Melizo (Xmchorale!)
SNEC checkup (OMG! im dreading this... )
OG outing (March holidays)
JJ's autograph session (22nd March, aww NO ONE to go with, plus i dno how to go!! )
etc etc... my mind not working, i can't remember still got what.
blur already.
Zzz, today's admin talk was so boring i was trying to revise my work instead.
yawns, i don't understand a single thing in Chem lecture!
sigh, my ankle is hurting, sprained it before, and cos i nearly fall down the stairs today. :x
sians, i still haven't go read up on Chem and finish up those tutorials!
ahhh i got PE tmr, for non-MT students... but who's going to go PE with me?!
hais, still haven go read up on the newspapers (the budget thing for Econs)
so as you can see, shijie is now totally no life.
she uses many emo words.
she has started to open up her angbaos because she is really in need of money with all the upcoming events!
and she truly miss orientation with OG18!
she doesn't want school to start...
neither does she wants to stay with OG22... nor make new friends again in her gonna-stay-with-her-for-two-years new class.
she is gonna start dao-ing people when everything starts all over again.
her coldness and unfriendliness is back. LOL
天空突然一片辽阔, 原来你是真的已經离开我.
天空突然一片辽阔, 原来你是真的已經离开我.
闭上眼让泪水滑落. 此刻你已真的永远离开我.
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