i believe

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A JJ photo a day, brightens up my day!
hahah! xD


did inflation mindmap!
no i didnt do that for mrGerald and his chocolates, no i DIDNT! :x

did electrochem tutorial!
no i didnt do that for mrKevin, no i DIDNT! :x

i did everything because i was self-motivated.
like real ah!

hmm.. hahah! xD

okay, but sad to say, completing these 2 aren't good enough.
had the whole day and i didnt do much ):
there's THREE tests next week! wonderful... i haven't revise!
going back to sch tmr for PW..

i researched, but can't find anything relevant! D:

sian! haiz i don't know if i can survive this week ma..
i'll be all drained by friday.
but! friday means going back to xinmin!
and that's really smth to look forward to!

promos are nearing!
damn it, all the counting downs are making me nervous.
i see the number drop from 50+ to 30+ and it's getting lesser to the 20s!
havent start a single revision!
omgomg, im really starting to panic!

heee, from the more optimistic side.
promos are ENDING, right? (:
and i'll be able to go out!!!! ;D

(omg, i just realise it's past 12, 29days to promos!)

HAPPY 27th!
even though i neglect you sometimes, even though i haven't watch a lot of your shows, even though i like chun more than you SOMETIMES...
i still like you de! HAHAH!
happy birthday jiro! (:

Mr. X put Tank's song on his blog! ^^
and this nice song by Jay, so i had a sudden love for it (the song, not Jay of course)
hahahs.. made me repeat like zillionth times already!

我不配- 周杰伦

這街上太擁擠 太多人有秘密
玻璃上有霧氣 在被隱藏起過去
妳臉上的情緒 在還原那場雨
這巷弄太過彎曲 走不回故事裡
這日子不再綠 又斑駁了幾句
剩下搬空回憶的我 在大房子裡
電影院的座椅 隔遙遠的距離

還來不及仔仔細細 寫下妳的關於
描述我如何愛妳 妳卻微笑的離我而去

這感覺 已經不對 我努力在挽回
一些些 應該體貼的感覺 我沒給
妳嘟嘴 許的願望很卑微 在妥協
是我忽略 妳不過要人陪

這感覺 已經不對 我最後才了解
一頁頁 不忍翻閱的情節 妳好累
妳默背 為我掉過幾次淚 多憔悴
而我心碎妳受罪 妳的美 我不配


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