still can't stop high-ing over him, so should know what's coming up?
LOL! yeps 14th!
hahaha! of course, 14 is abit way too much right (13 u all already say too many le!)
so of course, it's also time to eliminate some! :x
this needs time. hahah!
i think upon reading this, brenda meiqi eileen minds will have the same thoughts.
that jap takashi and the hk hawick!
LOL! but hmm, it's too early to say anything now XDD

one of the torch bearers for olympics 2008!
aahs so proud of him! ^^

he has this habit of saying that when he do this (x
hahahs just somehow had the urge to post their photos. lol :D
demand is high, leads to increase in price of goods.
demand is price elastic~
'the following announcement is requested by bk' lols...
hahahas... today is the anniversary day of our famous 405 article!
no harm reading it again, it certainly brought back memories of our maths lessons!
haha MRS LIM!

im always too nervous when ignatius wants us to play the guitar individually!
then i'll like screw up everything lah! :x
lol he also can see i was nervous, cos there's really a huge difference when everyone play together and when i play individually.
in fact i do feel stress when so many ppl just stop and listen to you play individually.
i agree, it's seriously my greatest enemy D:
gonna build up confidence and practice moreee!
but i think he's quite patient in teaching us, and he does understand that we learn at different pace. so he will say must 迁就...
i think i am seriously SLOW. hahah!
okok shall go back to my tutorials and PW!
heheh had the sudden motivation to do homework today, must thank hao peng you! :D
拆開了愛情的保鮮 賞味期限是沒上線
憑我感覺自由來挑選 酸酸 甜甜 由我做主
品味著愛情的酸甜 賞味期限是沒上限
平淡濃烈我都不拒絕 酸酸 甜甜 都由我做主
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