i believe

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i wish every PE lesson could be like today's! ;D
sun's not so scorching,
LOL yah i know, it's always my fault that the sun comes out and follow me where ever i walk, right... cos im too 阳光! then they start outcasting me... ):

but it was a cool nice weather today..
played abit of basketball, whee 投篮-ing so much more fun than volleyball! (:
then ran 2rounds with si rong!
long since i ran, like since napfa was over? :x
hahah dont know why im so motivated to run today, wish i'd ran more.

Econs was revision lecture and seriously, i was half asleep!
Zzzz, and im not thinking of mrGerald's chocolates already..
so.. hahahs, minghui.. cos i think CHEMISTRY is more important ^^

and the supposedly chemistry test today was kinda cancelled, although mrKevin got the papers prepared.
haiz, and today's chemistry prac, which became a 2hr tutorial, somehow made me start worrying even more for my promos.

'and retainees are surely going to come from this class...'
'how you'll be looked down upon by your family, relatives.. your classmates will just say bye-bye to you'
'appreciate a good tutor you have now...'

'i can change class, meet another new ~26 friends, and start all over again. but it means that in this year, i have failed..'

'but you just.. gave.. up, even when i didn't gave up on you'
'recall last year, at this time, how much effort you were putting into the O's..'
'this september holidays is your last chance...'

i do remember almost every single thing he said today.
surely more than what's above, and it all knocked some sense in me, i guess..
probably serve as some motivation at this period, time to start studying.

i suck at chemistry, seriously.. and i know that.
but i guess i do have that little passion for chemistry that made me dare to take it up as a H2 subject...

wheee specially bought something only for mrKevin for teachers' day after school leh~
just say im bias :x
ahahahas! xDD

26 more days left, to make a difference.
to prove to mrKevin, im going to make it! :D


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