aaaahh why he cut! i think his westside-days (that album's period) hairstyle is super nice lah.
didn't expect him to cut so SHORT!
and he even dyed it brown..
aaaah! so 不像他! ):
from something like this...

to his current hairstyle!

*breathes in, breaths out
ok, on second thought...
it's not that bad lah, hor.. :x
he still looks CUTE uh? ;DDD
yeaaa JJ, you're CUTEEEEE!!! ^^
whee just don't surprise me with a so-not-like-you hairstyle next time, LOL! xD
heeee, but of course...
i'll still like him despite whatever he do to his hair la, even if it means shaving bald.
aaah and his MV's female lead was Ahsa!
omgosh, she's freakin fortunate can!
she filmed movies with chun and show, and now she get invited to be JJ's female lead in his MV!
JJ was so 尴尬 when filming the MV!
hahah, he still go feel his heartbeat after the director shouted 'cut'!
and and!
' Twins阿嬌因「淫照風波」暫別演藝圈,讓阿Sa覺得1個人有點孤單,JJ搞笑跳出來:「沒關係,有我在。」把阿Sa給嚇了一跳,她說:「不行啦,這樣比起來你太Man了。」JJ太想跟阿Sa湊成對,竟答說:「那我可以娘一點。」逗得工作人員笑呵呵。'
JJ ahhh, i think he's falling for AhSa already~ :P
so sweeet!! ^^
September 15 album released?
AAAAHH don't know if it's confirmed, but it's really releasing SOON! (:
JJ's 6th album, <陆>
期待ing ;D
from mid2005 till now, already from the 3rd to 6th album...
(it's not even counting EPs and compilation albums!)
it's been 3+years... and counting!
no doubt, still the first in my heart!
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