i believe

Saturday, May 9, 2009

coz' this is life.

hey yo! it's FRIDAY and no school on monday!
so yea it just meant, going out after school! :D

pretty short day, supposedly.
but i stayed back for Econs, just to kill time coz' was gonna meet up for pizza hut!

it was "coz' this is life" day.
haha yea, class was wearing class tee, BRIGHT yellow!
lol, even the teachers wore! (:
but too bad we only managed to take photo with mdm shahida, without mr low, plus a few ppl missing.

take again next time! haha..

(i forgot this is from jamie/sirong. still.. i've koped them all, i think. haha! yea so credits to them!)

after sch! it was pizza hut time!
went all the way to tampines leh! just for brenda's convenience!
感动惨了 对吗? HAHA!
eyescream + a few other 8.1 (:
brenn, mq, dear, shumin, ly, adam, bk.

no group pic but there's a photo of 4 of our drinks.
shall get it soon from dear! :D

had a nice time catchin' up with them!
meet again soon! (:


something random during break today.

uh shijie's like North Korea. ahahas.
abit difficult to explain but anyws, JJ wouldn't have been the great leader coz i won't know him at all. lol.

instead, probably mrlow would have been a better one.
to tie up with being his 支持者

because, as you can see.
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so i worship chemistry? hahahaha!

maybe can get me an autographed chem TYS by mr low on my birthday ah.
good idea. HAHAAA!

wheeee goodnights! (:

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