'干吗这样看着我入迷 小心爱上我' xD
默默: 如果你不喜欢 为什么要买
Mars: 我... 我买来看不行哦 谁规定买芋头一定要煮的啊 奇怪
默默: 好无理取闹哦
HAHA! 买来看?! D:
jiro so cute! ^^
first day of sch, and im in a really bad mood ):
its not just about econs results.. something more than that.
this is certainly not a good place to say why so :/
sigh, NAPFA is coming and i am so prepared... to fail it.
why can't i jump! or rather, why last year i can jump and not this year! -.-
brenda 救命啊! 我的 SBJ 又不可以了! ):
and Zzzzzzz tmr got PE. !!!
but on a happier note, tomorrow's chem day! (:
yes happier, you didn't see wrongly. although tmr got test la D:
at least chem's the subject i like..
i don't mind studying if its just all about chem (and maths!) ;D
oh thanks liyun for your kimbap today!
really nice of you to spend time making them!
they taste good! ;D
(and perhaps on the HAPPIEST note) ^^
it's 4days to your birthday, 5days to your concert! (:
或许你不知道 但你的存在 真的让我心情好起来 ;D
你的关心 是带着微笑 还是皱着眉头?
默默: 如果你不喜欢 为什么要买
Mars: 我... 我买来看不行哦 谁规定买芋头一定要煮的啊 奇怪
默默: 好无理取闹哦
HAHA! 买来看?! D:
jiro so cute! ^^
first day of sch, and im in a really bad mood ):
its not just about econs results.. something more than that.
this is certainly not a good place to say why so :/
sigh, NAPFA is coming and i am so prepared... to fail it.
why can't i jump! or rather, why last year i can jump and not this year! -.-
brenda 救命啊! 我的 SBJ 又不可以了! ):
and Zzzzzzz tmr got PE. !!!
but on a happier note, tomorrow's chem day! (:
yes happier, you didn't see wrongly. although tmr got test la D:
at least chem's the subject i like..
i don't mind studying if its just all about chem (and maths!) ;D
oh thanks liyun for your kimbap today!
really nice of you to spend time making them!
they taste good! ;D
(and perhaps on the HAPPIEST note) ^^
it's 4days to your birthday, 5days to your concert! (:
或许你不知道 但你的存在 真的让我心情好起来 ;D
你的关心 是带着微笑 还是皱着眉头?
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