nyjc ♥
i entered jc, not knowing why i chose this route.
back then, i wanted to study psychology because it was something (i thought) i had passion in.
but i contemplated, and was worried i'll regret if i didn't like it.
jc was a 'i have no idea what i want to be, so don't major in anything yet' choice.
so my results brought me to nyjc.
my subject combination brought me to 0824.
my passion brought me to guitar ensemble.
and in turn,
nyjc brought me a nice and conducive place to study, with nice P and VP.
0824 brought me a great class of (almost) girls, and the best teachers i could ever have.
guitar ensemble brought me a wonderful bunch of good friends that brightened up my jc life.
ok, pictures! (thanks to whoever i took these photos from!)
mr wong! most dedicated teacher who is ever there to give us consultations.
i feel bad for not doing well for Math, i promise i'll do my best for A's! :)

i enjoyed being part of the clique :)
geography class. geography ROCKS! :D

Mr Low and Mdm Shahida!
one teacher who made GP fun and seems not so difficult to pass,
another who made me found my passion in Chemistry!
and finally... probably no more 'forward to all' SMSes from mr low already.
ps I want to watch the teachers' videos again!
very nice, and the teachers are so cute! :D

helium balloon!
and we all know helium is lighter than air.
so helium balloon floats in the air.
had a hard time trying to get it back.
chairs, brooms, umbrellas and whatever we could think of.
shan't elaborate, it'll make this post very long. haha..
back then, i wanted to study psychology because it was something (i thought) i had passion in.
but i contemplated, and was worried i'll regret if i didn't like it.
jc was a 'i have no idea what i want to be, so don't major in anything yet' choice.
so my results brought me to nyjc.
my subject combination brought me to 0824.
my passion brought me to guitar ensemble.
and in turn,
nyjc brought me a nice and conducive place to study, with nice P and VP.
0824 brought me a great class of (almost) girls, and the best teachers i could ever have.
guitar ensemble brought me a wonderful bunch of good friends that brightened up my jc life.
ok, pictures! (thanks to whoever i took these photos from!)

i feel bad for not doing well for Math, i promise i'll do my best for A's! :)

i enjoyed being part of the clique :)

the familiar LT4, i think i'll miss sitting there and listening to lectures.

from Mrs Chong and Mdm Shahida! (:
very sweet lah..
very sweet lah..

one teacher who made GP fun and seems not so difficult to pass,
another who made me found my passion in Chemistry!
and finally... probably no more 'forward to all' SMSes from mr low already.
so don't hate receiving my SMSes le! haha!
ps I want to watch the teachers' videos again!
very nice, and the teachers are so cute! :D
ok, yesterday part II.
met up with 8.1 to celebrate Adam's birthday!
ok, yesterday part II.
met up with 8.1 to celebrate Adam's birthday!

helium balloon!
and we all know helium is lighter than air.
so helium balloon floats in the air.
had a hard time trying to get it back.
chairs, brooms, umbrellas and whatever we could think of.
shan't elaborate, it'll make this post very long. haha..
All the best for A's, everyone! :)
Labels: 8.1, birthday, celebration, photos, school, thoughts