i believe

Sunday, February 20, 2011

truly, madly, deeply ♥

because i am counting on a new beginning, a reason for living, a deeper meaning (:

i think i am such a slacker :(
i don't even feel like doing my tutorials even after much procrastination.
actually its not really about the tutorials, its about 放空ing, 发呆ing too much!

Imagine you're studying, and half of the time... you're reading words like Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, chymotrypsin and phosphofructokinase.
LOL, i thought it was cool to understand long long words.. erm not anymore :/

no more feeling guilty! ♥ (:

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

我感觉 我懂你的特别 (:

It's the full version! so cute!

Touch my heart Touch my heart 心像冰淇淋漸漸溶化 ^^

rah i kind of regretted, and im still feeling guilty :(
will think of something to make it up.

hahaha good or bad?
I guess it's good and bad.
顺其自然 la~

I see midterms coming..
yup, must study harder already!

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Friday, February 11, 2011

take my hand, close your eyes

hello silent reader! haha (:

rahh i need to stop yawning in lectures and start doing my tutorials proper.
Starting to get lost in Econs lecture too..
sian... 竟然是 '自己挖洞跳进去' one, as quoted from yuting.
what was i thinking when i chose Econs for my GERPE?! ):
somemore tutorial everyone 抢着回答 because got class participation points.
my last resort would be to S/U it.
aah well, we'll see how.

anw, i still think it's going to be a good semester.
great tutors (really pretty biochem tutor!) and awesome labmates! :D


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Monday, January 31, 2011

也许在你眼里 它只是个游戏

to start with, this semester isn't that smooth-sailing
too many things happened, too many things going the wrong way :(

i just hope my lab tomorrow will turn out alright.
the pills are making me drowsy, so i've decided to pause my medication tmr and go ahead with labwork.

tomorrow's february already.
abit too fast ah D:

the wet weather reminds me of this song.

下雨天 - Lara

下雨天了怎麼辦 我好想你
我不敢打給你 我找不到原因
為什麼失眠的聲音 變得好熟悉
沈默的場景 做你的代替

誰和我一樣 等不到他的誰
愛上你我總在學會 寂寞的滋味
一個人撐傘 一個人擦淚

怎樣的雨 怎樣的夜
雨要多大 天要多黑

其實 沒有我你分不出那些
差別 結局還能多明顯

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

這星球 讓我們 用笑聲來推動 :)

School starts already actually but my lessons officially starts tmr! :D

It's back to printing lecture notes, doing tutorials, long train rides and tiring weekdays...
Taking Economics this semester, i hope i can manage!
And Mastering Comm is sucha project-based module that i kind of hate it even before i've attended any lessons.
Groupwork and tutorial participation... sian ttm! ):

And i've got to juggle Math and Physics, as well as Chem and Biochem.
CCA kicks in, with tutoring kids on Sats and meetings for planning of VOC this year.
This semester is surely not easy, definitely.

I know there are some things i've to put aside at this time.
There's enough things to juggle, enough problems to worry about...
We can't expect a perfect solution for anything and everything.
I've kicked the habit of being a perfectionist, waiting for the time to start and end things perfectly, because some things are just not meant to be.

有时候 包容不完美 比执着于完美 来得容易 (:

On a sidenote, looking at Chemistry notes makes me happy :D

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Friday, January 21, 2011

我在拼什麼 在意什麼最多

Maybe its just me having too much expectations for myself,
or i really didn't put in enough effort to deserve better grades.

Ah well, it's over.
Results are actually not that bad leh, i should learn to be contented and stop comparing.
At least i can still smile looking at the grades. LOL

Work harder in semester 2 (:
Maintain such results, thats all im asking for :D

不怕別人誤會了 最怕最在乎的人也不想懂


Friday, January 14, 2011

不管下一站是哪里, 只要有你在, 就是幸福的.

One more week before school starts!

It's going to be a good semester because i've no lessons most Mondays! (:
No Monday blues! :D
Hopefully i get my electives, whether its Korean/Econs/Japanese.
At least i can clear my GERPE/UE.

I kind of miss school when i can't find anything to do at home.
But i know i will miss having nothing to do when school starts.
LOL, aah thinking about MATLAB, lab reports and mastering comm module, i realise i don't miss school THAT much actually.

Anyways, there's more to look forward to.
JJ Party 5 in Feb, JJ I AM Concert in March and after the semester, Taiwan trip! :D
definitely great motivations to work hard this semester eh.

18jan results!
hahah i just wish and hope and pray it's gonna be alright (:

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